It feels amazing and humbling when your alma mater recognizes and gives due credit for your work in the profession.
We feel proud to share that Adv. Devesh Saxena was invited by the Faculty of Law, University of Allahabad, and the organising committee of 1st Allahabad University Moot Court Competition to draft their Moot Proposition and also to Judge the Prelim rounds.
"Moot Courts have always been big part of my law school days and it was such an enriching experience to be at the other side of the podium this time. Mooting deserves a big credit for inculcating the lawyer's instinct in me, and I was not surprised to witness the same zeal and enthusiasm in the young and bright lot that my law school is having."
- Adv. Devesh Saxena,
Managing Partner & Founder
S&D Legal Associates
With over 90+ participants the Moot Court was a huge success.
